
LOCKING SYSTEMS WITH ADDED VALUE ww w.lehmann-locks.com info @lehmann-locks.com • ww w.lehmann-locks.com Fon +4 9 571/50 599 - 0 F ax +4 9 571/50 599 - 82 2 Postfach / P.O.B. 26 20 D-32383 Minden • LEHMANN Vertriebsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG CYLINDER LOCK SYSTEM ELECTRONIC SYSTEM INTERLOCK LOCKING SYSTEM COMBINATION LOCK SYSTEM Premium locking solutions, which Europe´s leading office furniture makers trust. Maximum comfort and security. State-of-the-art technology for highest security applications. Easy central locking for containers and filing cabinets with full anti-tilt safety feature integrated. The key in your mind. The perfect solution for keyless access and workspace mobility. LOCKING YSTEMS WITH AD ED VALUE www.lehmann-lo ks.com info@lehmann-lo ks.com • www.lehmann-lo ks.com Fon +49 71/50 599 - 0 Fax +49 71/50 599 - 822 Postfach / P.O.B. 26 20 D-32383 Mi den • LEHMANN V rtrieb gesellschaft mbh & Co. KG CYLINDER LOCK SYSTEM ELECTRONIC YSTEM INTERLOCK LOCKING SYSTEM COMBINATION LOCK SYSTEM Premium locking s lutions, which Europ ´s leading o fice f rniture maker trust. Maximu comfort and security. State-of-the-art technology for highest security applications. Easy central locking for containers and filing cabine s with full anti-tilt saf ty feature integrated. The ke in your mind. The perfect solution for keyless access and workspace mobility. LOCKING SYSTEMS WITH A ED VALUE .lehma n-locks.com inf o@lehma n-locks.com • .lehma n-locks.com Fon + 49 571/50 5 9 - 0 Fax + 49 571/50 5 9 - 8 22 Postfach / P.O B. 26 20 D-32 8 Minden • LEHMA N Ve triebsges llschaft mbh & Co. KG CYLINDER LOCK SY TEM ELECTRONIC SYSTEM INTERLOCK LOCKING SY TEM COMBINATION LOCK SYSTEM Premiu locking solutions, whic Europe´s leading office furniture makers t ust. Maximu comfort and security. S ate-of the-art technology for highest security applications. Easy central locking for containers and filing cabinets with full an - ilt safety feature integrated. The k y in your mind. The perf ct solution for keyl ss access and workspace mobility. Wszystkie jako tandard. Nasz system zamków jest do wszystkich rodzajów mebli. Jeden do wszystkich. Proste zamykanie centralne do kontenerów i szafek na dokumenty. Nowe ożliw ści w projektowaniu mebli. Maksymalny komfort dzięki innowacyjnej technologii. Klucz zawsze w zasięgu ręki: Z własnym szyfrem, którego nie da się zgubić. SYSTEMY LI RYCZNYCH ZAMKÓW INTERLOCK SYSTEMY ZAMYKA IA LEKTRO I ZNE SYSTE Y SYSTEMY ZAMKÓW SZ FROWYCH ZAWARTOŚĆ