Fittings catalogue 2021

8.11 www.demos ‑ ST541M ø 40 680 217974 219094 ST551 ø 50 680 217980 219100 ST561 ø 60 680 217985 219105 ST547 ø 40 680 217975 219095 ST557 ø 50 680 217981 219101 ST567 ø 60 680 217986 219106 ST542 40 × 40 715 217976 219096 ST552 50 × 50 715 217982 219102 ST562 60 × 60 715 217987 219107 ST544 40 × 40 680 217977 219097 ST554 50 × 50 680 217983 219103 ST564 60 × 60 680 217988 219108 ST541M – ø40 ST552 – 50 × 50 ST551 – ø 50 ST562 – 60 × 60 ST561 – ø 60 ST544 – 40 × 40 ST547 – ø 40 ST554 – 50 × 50 ST564 – 60 × 60 ST557 – ø 50 ST567 – ø 60 ST542 – 40 × 40 F U R N I T U R E L E G S A N D C A S T O R S name leg (mm) height (mm) silver anthracite adjustment (mm) 150 90 90 150 160 120 15 15 15 150 160 120 • strong and stable design of the whole construction Steel legs for table constructions for assembly Miladesign table constructions for assembly CONTENTS