Fittings catalogue 2021

7 7.38 12345 12345 359815 M6 363826 M6 335344 335339 335355 13 15 17 19 335354 360956 ø5 Ø12 20 Ø6 10 = = 40 L 19,5 34,3 9 ø5 Ø12 20 Ø6 10 = = 40 L 19,5 34,3 9 16 min. 18 min. ø10 20 M6 10 = = 40 8 19,5 37,5 Ø10 20 Ø6,3 10 = = 40 11 19,5 37,5 ø8 Ø12 ø12 20 M6 10 = = 40 8 19,5 34,3 L1 L 2,5 90° ø8 ø12 ø12 20 ø6,3 10 = = 40 12 19,5 34,3 L1 L 2,5 90° ø8 ø12 2 ø6,3 = 12 34,3 L1 L 2,5 90° 8 ø12 ø12 20 ø6,3 10 = = 12 19,5 , L1 2,5 90° ø10 ø10 ø5 18min. 13 8,5 = = Ø12 Ø12 Ø7 18-19 min. 13,4 8,5 = = C O N N E C T I N G F I T T I N G S A N D A D H E S I V E S Item in stock Item on demand connecting elements, cams, cam screw-in dowels Target J12 Target J10 • for combination with a grub nut • use a grub nut M6 for installation • recommended items: 15021 (M6 × 13)283069 (M6 × 17) 292628 (M6 × 20) • with 12 mm euro thread Pinion screw for Target J12 Pinion screw for Target J10 code description code description code description 11 mm euro thread code description board thickness: 18/19 mm 12 mm euro thread board thickness: 18/19 mm white cover cap (ø 15 mm) CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15