Fittings catalogue 2021

4 4.116 12345 12345 Vasca Trogola 351888 351889 351890 351891 100 × 40 × 13,5 13,5 351896 351897 100 × 40 × 13,5 13 C 110 47 19 C 105 41 19 Bustyna 284817 150 × 39 × 12 11,5 128 160 49 18 H A N D L E S A N D H O O K S Item in stock Item on demand The colour list is on p. 4.3 wooden handles and knobs raw oak raw beech raw maple raw spruce recess dimensions (milling) (mm) depth (mm) raw oak raw beech recess dimensions (milling) (mm) depth (mm) raw beech recess dimensions (milling) (mm) depth (mm) CONTENTS 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15