Fittings catalogue 2021

2.193 www.demos ‑ Silent System 10 40 70 250 401597 401602 × 270 401598 401603 × 300 401599 401604 × 320 401600 401605 × 350 401601 401606 × 380 × 401607 × 400 × 401608 × 420 × 401609 × 450 × 401610 401616 480 × 401611 × 500 × 401612 401617 520 × 401613 401618 550 × 401614 401619 580 × 401615 401620 600 × × 401621 650 × × 401622 700 × × 401623 750 × × 401624 397909 9257264 + 3 mm ± 1,5 mm + 3 mm ± 1,5 mm + 4 mm + - L R L+R 1 2 click L+R 1. click 2. L R ± 2 mm + 3 mm ± 1,5 mm + 4 mm + - L R L+R L R ± 2 mm D R A W E R S L I D E S A N D D R A W E R A C C E S S O R I E S Actro 5D full extension slide for drawer sides 16 mm thick • Adjustment of the drawer in 5 directions without tools, using clamps. • Height adjustment + 3 mm, side adjustment in front ± 1.5 mm and in back 1.5 mm, depth adjustment ± 2 mm and inclination adjustment + 4 mm. • Convenient slide-on installation with 4D catches. • Additional: slide (depth) ± 2 mm. • Slides with integrated damping (SiSy) can be combined with P2Os fittings. • Load capacity of slides 10, 40 and 70 kg. length (mm) / load capacity (kg) code Hettich code description allows adjustment of the drawer (forward and backward movement) by ± 2 mm Actro 5D full extension slide for drawer sides 16 mm thick CONTENTS