Fittings catalogue 2021

2.173 www.demos ‑ 94 mm TopSide DesignSide Silent System 10 kg Silent System 40 kg Silent System 60 kg 94/186, 126/218 94/218, 126/250 94/186, 126/218 94/218, 126/250 94/186, 126/218 94/218, 126/250 94 270 355173 355174 × × × × × × × × 300 355185 355186 × × × × × × × × 350 355197 355198 × × × × × × × × 400 × 355209 355219 × × × × × × × 450 × 355229 355239 × × × × × × × 500 × 355249 355259 × × × × × × × 550 × 355279 355290 × × × × × × × 650 × 355310 355320 × × × × × × × 186 270 × 355175 × 300855 × × 226177 × 300935 × 300 × 355187 × 300856 × × 226178 × × 350 × 355199 × 300857 × × 226179 × × 400 × 355210 355220 300858 300936 × 226180 × × 450 × 355230 355240 300859 300963 × 226181 × × 500 × 355250 355260 360238 300937 × 226182 × × 550 × 355280 355291 300861 300964 × 226183 × × 650 × 355311 355321 300862 300938 × 226184 × 218 270 × 355176 × 300855 × × 226177 226185 300935 300948 300 × 355188 × 300856 × × 226178 226186 350 × 355200 × 300857 × × 226179 226187 400 × 355211 355221 300858 300936 300965 226180 226188 450 × 355231 355241 300859 300963 300958 226181 226189 500 × 355251 355261 360238 300937 300957 226182 226190 550 × 355281 355292 300861 300964 300966 226183 226191 650 × 355312 355322 300862 300938 300967 226184 226255 250 270 × 355177 × 300855 × × × 226185 × 300948 300 × 355189 × 300856 × × × 226186 × 350 × 355201 × 300857 × × × 226187 × 400 × 355212 355222 300858 × 300965 × 226188 × 450 × 355232 355242 300859 × 300958 × 226189 × 500 × 355252 355262 360238 × 300957 × 226190 × 550 × 355282 355293 300861 × 300966 × 226191 × 650 × 355313 355323 300862 × 300967 × 226255 × 282 270 × 355178 × 300855 × × × × × × 300 × 355190 × 300856 × × × × × × 350 × 355202 × 300857 × × × × × × 400 × 355213 355223 300858 × × × × × × 450 × 355233 355243 300859 × × × × × × 500 × 355253 355263 360238 × × × × × × 550 × 355283 355294 300861 × × × × × × 650 × 355314 355324 300862 × × × × × × D R A W E R S L I D E S A N D D R A W E R A C C E S S O R I E S Champagne – front base side height possible extension 1] DesignSide adapters total height (mm) depth (mm) railing 1] In order to select the TopSide and DesignSide extensions, refer to the figure indicating for which side and back holder height the extension can be used. For example: 94/186 = side height 94, height of back holders 186. • The complete set in the tables always includes: – 1 pair of sides – 1 pair of slides – 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo – 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders – 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) • in case of inner drawers, complete with front sheet metal or front railing according to the width and number of drawers Ĺ drawings for preparation of the cabinet body p. 2.167 and 2.168 ArciTech drawer system with double sides CONTENTS