Fittings catalogue 2021

2.169 www.demos ‑ 94 mm TopSide DesignSide Silent System 10 kg Silent System 40 kg Silent System 60 kg 94/186, 126/218 94/218, 126/250 94/186, 126/218 94/218, 126/250 94/186, 126/218 94/218, 126/250 94 270 354331 354332 × × × × × × × × 300 354344 354345 × × × × × × × × 350 354356 354357 × × × × × × × × 400 × 354368 354378 × × × × × × × 450 × 354388 354398 × × × × × × × 500 × 354408 354418 × × × × × × × 550 × 354438 354448 × × × × × × × 650 × 354468 354478 × × × × × × × 186 270 × 354333 × 235126 × × 226177 × 226171 × 300 × 354346 × 360208 × × 226178 × × 350 × 354358 × 360210 × × 226179 × × 400 × 354369 354379 360211 226131 × 226180 × × 450 × 354389 354399 360212 226135 × 226181 × × 500 × 354409 354419 360213 226139 × 226182 × × 550 × 354439 354449 360214 226143 × 226183 × × 650 × 354469 354479 235038 226147 × 226184 × × 218 270 × 354334 × 235126 × × 226177 226185 226171 226175 300 × 354347 × 360208 × × 226178 226186 350 × 354359 × 360210 × × 226179 226187 400 × 354370 354380 360211 226131 226151 226180 226188 450 × 354390 354400 360212 226135 226155 226181 226189 500 × 354410 354420 360213 226139 226159 226182 226190 550 × 354440 354450 360214 226143 226163 226183 226191 650 × 354470 354480 235038 226147 226167 226184 226255 250 270 × 354335 × 235126 × × × 226185 × 226175 300 × 354348 × 360208 × × × 226186 × 350 × 354360 × 360210 × × × 226187 × 400 × 354371 354381 360211 × 226151 × 226188 × 450 × 354391 354401 360212 × 226155 × 226189 × 500 × 354411 354421 360213 × 226159 × 226190 × 550 × 354441 354451 360214 × 226163 × 226191 × 650 × 354471 354481 235038 × 226167 × 226255 × 282 270 × 354336 × 235126 × × × × × 300 × 354349 × 360208 × × × × × × 350 × 354361 × 360210 × × × × × × 400 × 354372 354382 360211 × × × × × × 450 × 354392 354402 360212 × × × × × × 500 × 354412 354422 360213 × × × × × × 550 × 354442 354452 360214 × × × × × × 650 × 354472 354482 235038 × × × × × × D R A W E R S L I D E S A N D D R A W E R A C C E S S O R I E S White – front base side height possible extension 1] DesignSide adapters total height (mm) depth (mm) railing • The complete set in the tables always includes: – 1 pair of sides – 1 pair of slides – 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo – 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders – 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) • in case of inner drawers, complete with front sheet metal or front railing according to the width and number of drawers Ĺ drawings for preparation of the cabinet body p. 2.167 and 2.168 1] In order to select the TopSide and DesignSide extensions, refer to the figure indicating for which side and back holder height the extension can be used (e.g. 94/186 = side height 94, back holder height 186). ArciTech drawer system with double sides CONTENTS