Fittings catalogue 2021

2 12345 12345 2.156 TopSide DesignSide × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 295189 295196 294871 294855 294849 294969 187272 360256 295197 294872 294856 294970 360257 295198 294873 294857 294971 360258 295199 294874 294858 294972 360259 360268 294875 294859 294973 360260 360269 294876 294860 294974 295195 295202 294877 294861 294975 295189 295196 294892 294862 294852 294990 187272 360256 295197 294893 294864 294991 360257 295198 294894 294865 294992 360258 295199 294895 294867 294993 360259 360268 294896 294868 294994 360260 360269 294897 294869 294995 295195 295202 294898 294870 294996 TopSide DesignSide × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 294849 × × × × × × × × 295203 × 295303 × × × 295204 × 295304 × × × 295205 × 295305 × × × 295206 × 295306 × × × 295207 × 295307 × × × 105554 70 288899 144 289015 2000 295203 350 295204 420 295205 470 295206 520 295207 620 288900 70 2000 352906 260−350 10 <10 352907 260−520 30 8−20 352908 260−520 30 10−30 352909 300−620 50 20−50 318279 318281 D R A W E R S L I D E S A N D D R A W E R A C C E S S O R I E S Item in stock Item on demand possible extension railing upper centre metal glass adapter sides front holder possible extension railing upper centre metal glass adapter sides front holder Fittings for inner drawers Aluminium front sheet metal holders Cross railing for the front of the inner drawer with a height of 144 or for inner division Cross railing for the front of the inner drawer with a height of 144 or for inner division Aluminium front profile Push to open Silent mechanism for handleless opening code height (mm) code length (mm) code length (mm) code height (mm) length (mm) code for slide length (mm) load capacity of slides (kg) total drawer weight (kg) • cutting calculation: LB − 2 × EB − 57.5 • cutting of the inner drawer front formula: LB − 2 × EB − 90.5 • cutting of the inner division formula: LB − 2 × EB − 40.6 Synchronisation linkage for shortening code description linkage 2,000 mm linkage cuttings connector (recommended to connect max. 2 pcs) InnoTech Atira drawer system with double sides CONTENTS 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15