Fittings catalogue 2021

2 12345 12345 2.148 101 397352 397353 397360 397362 397344 397345 139 397354 397355 397363 397364 397346 397347 187 397356 397357 397365 397366 397348 397349 251 397358 397359 397367 397368 397350 397351 300 396999 397040 397121 397202 397283 397000 397049 397130 397211 397292 396998 397031 397112 397193 397274 400 397041 397122 397203 397284 397050 397131 397212 397293 397032 397113 397194 397275 450 397042 397123 397204 397285 397051 397132 397213 397294 397033 397114 397195 397276 500 397043 397124 397205 397286 397052 397133 397214 397295 397034 397115 397196 397277 600 397044 397125 397206 397287 397053 397134 397215 397296 397035 397116 397197 397278 800 397045 397126 397207 397288 397054 397135 397216 397297 397036 397117 397198 397279 900 397046 397127 397208 397289 397055 397136 397217 397298 397037 397118 397199 397280 1000 397047 397128 397209 397290 397056 397137 397218 397299 397038 397119 397200 397281 1200 397048 397129 397210 397291 397057 397138 397219 397300 397039 397120 397201 397282 D R A W E R S L I D E S A N D D R A W E R A C C E S S O R I E S AvanTech YOU drawers Item in stock Item on demand • back holders are not necessary, backs made of wood-based materials can be mounted directly on the sides • back holders are used to attach backs made of wood-based materials and an aluminium rear profile Back holders white anthracite silver for side height (mm) left right left right left right Steel back white anthracite silver length (mm) 77 101 139 187 251 77 101 139 187 251 77 101 139 187 251 CONTENTS 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15