Fittings catalogue 2021

2.133 www.demos ‑ 10 (kg) 40 (kg) 70 (kg) 10 (kg) 30 (kg) 30 (kg) 400 396527 × 397781+ 397782 × × 397818+ 397819 397840+ 397841 450 396528 × 397783+ 397784 397791+ 397792 × 397820+ 397821 397842+ 397843 500 396529 × 397785+ 397786 397793+ 397794 × 397822+ 397823 397844+ 397845 550 396530 × 397787+ 397788 397795+ 397796 × 397824+ 397825 397846+ 397847 10 (kg) 40 (kg) 70 (kg) 10 (kg) 30 (kg) 30 (kg) 270 396643 397769+ 397770 397775+ 397776 × 397806+ 397807 397812+ 397813 397834+ 397835 300 396644 397771+ 397772 397777+ 397778 × 397808+ 397809 397814+ 397815 397836+ 397837 350 396645 397773+ 397774 397779+ 397780 × 397810+ 397811 397816+ 397817 397838+ 397839 400 396646 × 397781+ 397782 × × 397818+ 397819 397840+ 397841 450 396647 × 397783+ 397784 397791+ 397792 × 397820+ 397821 397842+ 397843 500 396648 × 397785+ 397786 397793+ 397794 × 397822+ 397823 397844+ 397845 550 396649 × 397787+ 397788 397795+ 397796 × 397824+ 397825 397846+ 397847 600 396650 × 397789+ 397790 398924+ 398925 × 397826+ 397827 397848+ 397849 650 396651 × × 397797+ 397798 × × × 270 397381 397372 397352+ 397353 300 350 400 450 500 397381 397372 550 600 650 D R A W E R S L I D E S A N D D R A W E R A C C E S S O R I E S AvanTech YOU drawers Fitting system for drawers with hollow sides 13 mm thick in silver, white and anthracite. Side heights: 77, 101, 139, 187 and 251 mm. The sides can be combined with two types of slides: Actro YOU or Quadro YOU. Load capacity of slides: Actro YOU (Silent System) – 10, 40 and 70 kg. Load capacity of slides: Quadro YOU (Silent System and Push to open) – 10 and 30 kg. Type of drawer motion: Silent System – with integrated damping (using the Push to open Silent mechanism, handleless opening with silent closing), Push to open – handleless opening. The back can be made of an individual material and mounted directly on the sides without the use of back holders (but it is also possible to use separate holders). Other options include steel back for a fixed cabinet body size or aluminium for an individual size (must be attached with back holders). AvanTech YOU white Side height 77 mm, individual components Side height 101 mm, individual components 1] the set includes: sides L + P, 2 pcs of cover profile, front holders L + P (mounting with a screw) 1] the set includes: sides L + P, 2 pcs of cover profile, L + P front holders, mounting with screw 2] a back made of individual material can be mounted directly into the side with a screw, back holders are not necessary AvanTech YOU drawers slides by type and load capacity (kg) Actro YOU Silent System¹ ] Quadro YOU Silent System² ] Quadro YOU Push to open length (mm) sides 1] slides by type and load capacity (kg) Actro YOU Silent System¹ ] Quadro YOU Silent System² ] Quadro YOU Push to open length (mm) sides 1] length (mm) fittings for inner drawers front holders front profile back holders 2] length (mm) fittings for inner drawers front holders front profile CONTENTS