Fittings catalogue 2021

2 12345 12345 2.124 198919 198920 93998 53 85 117 150 93944 93950 93951 93955 × 93945 93931 93952 93956 × 93946 93932 93953 93957 93921 93947 93933 93940 93942 93922 93948 93934 93941 93943 93923 93949 93935 93954 93958 93924 D R A W E R S L I D E S A N D D R A W E R A C C E S S O R I E S roll runner slides with side Item in stock Item on demand • drawer adjustment horizontally and vertically ± 1.5 mm • load capacity 25 kg 1] it is necessary to buy fastener 93998 to complement the railing FGV roll runner slides with a side Ĺ front and back mounting dimensions H53, H83, H117, H150 basewidth basewidth basewidth basewidth basewidth basewidth basewidth basewidth inner width inner width of the cabinet inner width of the cabinet base width code description white grey code description lateral railing fastener height (mm) railing 1] white white white white white length (mm) 270 350 400 450 500 550 back side back side back side back side front front front front External damper for roll runner slide with a side • complete set including assembly manual • easy assembly CONTENTS 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15