Fittings catalogue 2021

1 1.164 12345 12345 A B C D E F A B C D E F 330–380 2.6–3. 4 1 2.5–3. 6 1 3.3–4.5 1 3.2–4.3 1 4.9–6.3 1 4.6–6.1 1 5–6.5 2 4.9–6.4 1 5.3–6.5 1 5.1–6.9 2 6.7–7.3 1 6.3–7.3 1 7.3–8.5 2 6.6–9.3 2 9.7–11.7 2 9.1–11.3 2 10.7–12.9 2 10.5–12.9 2 13.3–14. 9 2 12.5–14.5 2 380–430 2.5–3. 4 1 2.3–3.2 1 3.2–4.2 1 3–4 1 4.4–5.4 1 4.4–5.4 1 4.8–5.6 1 4.4–6.6 2 5–6.2 2 4.6–5.6 1 5.9–6.6 1 5.5–6.4 1 6.2–8.2 2 6.6–8.2 2 8.6–10.6 2 8.4–10.2 2 9.8–11.4 2 9.4–11.4 2 11.8–13 2 11–13 2 430–460 2.3–3 1 2.3–3 1 3–3.8 1 2.8–3.6 1 4–5.2 1 4.2–5.2 1 4.6–5.4 1 4.2–6.2 2 4.6–6.2 2 4.4–5.4 1 5.6–6 1 5.2–6 1 6.2–7. 8 2 5.4–7.6 2 7.8–10.2 2 7.4–9.4 2 9–10.4 2 8.4–10.6 2 11.4–12.2 2 10.6–12.2 2 460–480 2.4–3.2 1 2.3–3 1 2.8–4 1 2.8–3.6 1 3.8–5 1 4–5.2 1 4.5–5.4 1 4.2–6.2 2 4.6–6 2 4.4–5.4 1 5.4–6 1 5.2–6 1 5.6–7.8 2 5.4–7.6 2 7.6–10 2 7.2–9.4 2 8.8–10.4 2 8.4–10.6 2 10.8–11.6 2 10.4–11.6 2 H I N G E S A N D L I F T F I T T I N G S fittings for lifting doors Item in stock Item on demand Vertical use 1 ] door height (mm) hinges cup hinges weight of the door (kg) design 1] weight of the door (kg) design 1] 1] The number indicates the required number of flap hinges. CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15