Fittings catalogue 2021

15.29 www.demos ‑ 530 360 280 340 25 155 25 28 35 224332 224333 350 N 224334 450 N 224335 500 N 224336 650 N 224337 750 N 224338 1,000 N 224339 1,200 N 224340 1,350 N 224341 1,500 N 60–70 2 × 350 N 80–90 2 × 450 N 80–90 2 × 500 N 100–120 2 × 750 N 140–150 2 × 650 N / 750 N 160 2 × 750 N / 1000 N 180 2 × 1,000 N 140–160 4 × 450 N / 500 N 180 4 × 500 N / 750 N lifters and bed fittings H A N D L E S , F I T T I N G S F O R D O O R S , T A B L E S A N D B E D S • the set contains a pair of bed lifters • for completeness, it is necessary to order 2 gas pistons as required • opening angle max. 40° • 2 pistons are required for one bed fitting • calculated for bed length: 190–200 cm • recommended types of pistons are informative (calculated for common slatted bed base and polyurethane mattress approx. 5 kg/m 2 ) simple bed with longitudinal opening Gas piston for bed mechanism Examples of use Bed fitting for gas piston code description zinc code force bed type width (cm) recommended pistons simple bed with transversal opening simple bed with longitudinal opening double bed with one bed base double bed with two bed bases CONTENTS