Fittings catalogue 2021

11.61 www.demos ‑ 600 MQ 5506 715 + 15 259276 259277 259278 259279 700 MQ 5507 259281 259282 259283 259284 800 MQ 5508 259286 259287 259288 259289 1,200 MQ 5512 715 + 15 259291 259292 259293 259294 1,400 MQ 5514 259296 259297 259298 259299 1,600 MQ 5516 259301 259302 259303 259304 table bases Miladesign O F F I C E E Q U I P M E N T • for one pair of bases, we recommend 2 connecting bars to ensure the stability of the structure Ĺ connecting channels and accessories can be found on p. 11.63 Ĺ overlap S = 0 mm (info on p. 11.63 with connecting bars) • for one pair of bases, we recommend 4 connecting bars to ensure the stability of the structure Ĺ connecting channels and accessories can be found on p. 11.63 Ĺ overlap S = 0 mm (info on p. 11.63 with connecting bars) for table top depth(mm) name height (mm) adjustment (mm) silver anthracite black white for table top depth(mm) name height (mm) adjustment (mm) silver anthracite black white MQ5506, MQ5507 and MQ5508 MQ5512, MQ5514 and MQ5516 CONTENTS