Fittings catalogue 2021

10 10.4 12345 12345 RGB/RGBW CCT F U R N I T U R E L I G H T S Item in stock Item on demand  Colours of light and their use The light spectrum offers a wide range of light colours from warm white to neutral and cold white. Different colour of light has different uses and recommendations for use. How to select a correct colour of light: Each space is unique and can be finalised using different colours of lighting. When the future layout of the room is dealt with while designing the interior, it is good to think over lighting. Proper lighting makes a complete impression of the space and creates a sense of cosiness and comfort. During the design process, it is good to consider the interior colour itself, used colours emphasise the effect – e.g. blue shades + cold colour of light emphasise cold impression even more. Colour temperature is usually indicated in Kelvin. Warm white (2,700–3,500 K) It creates a sense of safety, peace and relaxation. The light spectrum is very similar to the colour of a setting sun or a burning candle . Most common use: – bedrooms – children's rooms – living rooms – rooms for relaxation – libraries Neutral white (3,500–5,000 K) It displays objects in their real colours most accurately. The light spectrum is very similar to natural daylight . Most common use: – kitchens – dining rooms – entrance halls – staircases – bathrooms Cold white (5,000–6,700 K) Cold light has the largest share of a light blue component and has a stimulating effect . Most common use: – desks – showrooms – workshops – public lighting – commercial spaces Frequently asked questions about the colour of light: Is it possible to change the colour of the light on individual strips as needed? Yes. RGB / RGBW / CCT LED strips can be used. Or it is possible to combine 2 LED strips (warm white + neutral or cold white). Alternatively, CCT LED strip can be used. Both solutions require an appropriate control. Why is the colour of the LED strip in gel (IP65) not the same as the gel-free version (IP20)? Gel used to seal chips is transparent and has the properties of an optical lens. At beam concentration there is also a shift of the spectrum. As a result, the spectrum shifts to colder shades. The same type of LED strip in gel will therefore never have the same shade as the gel-free version! Will the colour of light be the same when I combine two remaining parts of LED strips for the same assembly? We try to ensure that each supply has the same colour of light, but there are certain production tolerances. If the same type of LED strip from the same supply is used, the light colour will be the same. However, if the light was in use for a longer time, a gradual change of the spectrum may occur over a period of time, and then a complete identity cannot be guaranteed. For setting the atmosphere, RGB/RGBW LED strips (possibility to choose the colour of light) can also be used. However, they are not suitable for classic lighting, their spectrum has significant deviations from natural light. Ĺ If you want to combine only warm white and cold white colours, CCT LED strips from our offer can be used (see page 10.23). CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 15