Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

7 7.20 12345 12345 KR001 KR021 359637 KR002 KR022 359641 KR003 KR023 × KR004 KR024 × KR005 × × KR006 KR026 × KR007 KR027 360945 KR008 KR028 × 101313 101362 × KR009 KR029 × KR010 KR030 × KR011 KR031 × KR012 KR032 359643 KR013 KR033 × KR014 KR034 359638 KR015 KR035 359639 101321 101371 × 101323 101373 × 101325 101375 × 101330 101380 × 101340 101391 × 101355 101406 × 163195 C O N N E C T I N G F I T T I N G S cover caps Item in stock Item on demand • matching to decors is indicative, the colour of the cam cover cap does not 100% correspond to the colour of the other cover caps CAM COVER CAP SCREW COVER CAP CONFIRMAT SCREW COVER CAP colour suitable for decor confirmat screw screw cam white white 101, 106 Krono sand birch 1715, H1733, 375, H1521, 1795, 1764, 396 pine pine 353 blue birch blue Capri 121, blue birch green maple pastel green 154, green maple grey maple grey 881, 1700, platinum 859, grey maple beech D beech 399, 1796, 382, 381, oak 1754, 781, 757, 748, cherry 1626 beech beech 876, 1783, oak 740 light Tyrol beech H1518, H1582, H1887, H1932, H1954, 1795, 1764, alder alder 685, 9411, 1694, 637, pear 226 brown-red calvados calvados 1792, H 1951, cherry 9345 rustic knot oak 708, 741, 1758, nut 729, rustic knot cherry cherry 344, 340 mahogany mahogany 775, 776, dark calvados 1625 palisander wenge 854, walnut 8953 black black 190 stained oak 35706 natural oak H1348, H1344, H3382, H1334, 8431 light oak H3400, H3386 apple 1795, 7937, 1764, H1954 stained walnut 729, H1709, H3734 aluminium F509, 881 code description sample book of screws and confirmat screws • colours of cam cover caps are not fully identical Plastic cover caps package: confirmat screws, screws – 250 pieces, cams – 500 pcs CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15