Furniture fittings catalogue 2019
6.11 www.demos ‑ 88580 180 × 180, ø 50 88583 180 × 220, ø 50 99581 88584 180 × 280, ø 50 88585 99582 88586 200 × 180, ø 50 99583 88588 200 × 220, ø 50 88589 99584 88590 200 × 280, ø 50 99585 88592 230, ø 38 88593 99586 K I T C H E N A N D W A R D R O B E W I R E S Y S T E M bar consoles code height × width (mm) color chrome matt chrome stainless steel chrome matt chrome stainless steel chrome stainless steel chrome matt chrome stainless steel chrome stainless steel code height (mm) color chrome matt chrome stainless steel • for upright console, it is also possible to attach the flange 30 mm off axis Upright console Inclined console CONTENTS
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