Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

5.89 www.demos ‑ 135709 135555 135710 135556 98092 228083 229433 308639 98110 163106 163122 98111 163111 163129 227321 163107 163123 98113 163112 163131 227324 163108 163125 98115 163113 163132 98079 98107 162670 98117 163114 163133 227196 163110 163128 227197 163115 163134 135552 135553 135684 135685 D O O R F I T T I N G S built-in sliding cabinets – 18 mm Optimum weights for each type of the pane can be found on page 5.3 colour pane thickness 16 mm pane thickness 18 mm silver olive profile length silver olive top guide bottom guide bottom guide mask top guide bottom guide bottom guide mask 1.7 m 2.35 m 3 m 4.05 m 6 m Top guide Comfort and bottom guide Doubler Handle Minicomfort II Handle Comfort II Handle Unicomfort II Handle Minicomfort II colour code silver olive colour code silver olive • series Comfort shares top guide Comfort and bottom guide Doubler • handles have more space for fastening • cannot be used with other guide systems • length 2.7 m, for LDF 18 mm • this type is not suitable for use with glass • length 2.7 m, for LDF 16 and 18 mm or LDF 12 mm + mirror 4 mm • length 2.7 m, for LDF 16 and 18 mm or LDF 12 mm + mirror 4 mm description code set of top trolleys set of bottom trolleys backstop brush dust brush For connecting and dividing profiles, brackets, see p. 5.71-5.72 number of leaves N 2 3 4 overlap length Z 20 40 60 door leaf height h h = H − 38 mm pane height 18 mm hp hp = h − 2 mm door leaf width d d = (D − 3 + Z): N pane width 18 mm dp dp = d − 7 mm H – hole height N – number of door leaves Calculation of dimensions bottom, double lamino 18 mm ball bearings load 50 kg D – hole width Systems for built-in cabinets – LDF 18 mm / glass 1]  CONTENTS