Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

5.67 www.demos ‑ 222788 222789 222787 276730 89099 89098 229433 229433 305137 229433 90106 90105 361759 229433 135532 135534 191699 216620 216621 229433 246893 246894 143983 143984 89131 D O O R F I T T I N G S built-in sliding cabinets – 18 mm Optimum weights for each type of the pane can be found on page 5.3 Handle Alfa II • length 2.7 m, for LDF 16 and 18 mm or LDF 12 mm + mirror 4mm 1]  colour code silver olive gold glossy white Handle Tytan • length 2.7 m, for LDF 18 mm or LDF 12 mm + mirror 4 mm 1]  colour code silver olive description code backstop brush description code grey backstop brush white backstop brush description code backstop brush Handle Universal • length 2.7 m, for LDF 18 mm or LDF 12 mm + mirror 4 mm 1]  colour code silver olive description code dust brush backstop brush • the handle can be provided with a decorative foil trolleys according to the relevant guide, p. 5.70 Handle Victoria II • length 2.7 m, for LDF 16 and 18 mm or LDF 12 mm + mirror 4mm 1]  colour code silver olive brushed olive brushed dark olive brushed black description code backstop brush • the handle can be provided with a decorative foil • for calculation of dimensions of individual components – use the form on the website , section For download/Order Forms Handle Oaza • length 2.7 m, for LDF 18 mm or LDF 12 mm + mirror 4 mm 1]  colour code silver olive • this type is not suitable for use with a mirror Handle Ergo • length 2.7 m, for LDF 18 mm colour code silver olive description code backstop brush (stick-on) Systems for built-in cabinets – LDF 16/18 mm bottom guide 16/18 mm ball bearings load 50 kg Démos trade is not liable for possible deflection of doors caused by using poor quality panes. In case of using a combination of LDF 12 mm and glass/mirror, the glass pane must be fixed with a double-sided adhesive tape. Use the bracket for the bottom edge to prevent the glass pane from sliding down, see p. 5.71. Do not use silicon or other adhesives and sealants. CONTENTS