Furniture fittings catalogue 2019
LOCKING SYSTEMS WITH ADDED VALUE ww info • ww Fon +4 9 571/50 599 - 0 F ax +4 9 571/50 599 - 82 2 Postfach / P.O.B. 26 20 D-32383 Minden • LEHMANN Vertriebsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG CYLINDER LOCK SYSTEM ELECTRONIC SYSTEM INTERLOCK LOCKING SYSTEM COMBINATION LOCK SYSTEM Premium locking solutions, which Europe´s leading office furniture makers trust. Maximum comfort and security. State-of-the-art technology for highest security applications. Easy central locking for containers and filing cabinets with full anti-tilt safety feature integrated. The key in your mind. The perfect solution for keyless access and workspace mobility. LOCKING YSTEMS WITH AD ED VALUE www.lehmann-lo info@lehmann-lo • www.lehmann-lo Fon +49 71/50 599 - 0 Fax +49 71/50 599 - 822 Postfach / P.O.B. 26 20 D-32383 Mi den • LEHMANN V rtrieb gesellschaft mbh & Co. KG CYLINDER LOCK SYSTEM ELECTRONIC YSTEM INTERLOCK LOCKING SYSTEM COMBINATION LOCK SYSTEM Premium locking s lutions, which Europ ´s leading o fice f rniture maker trust. Maximum comfort and security. State-of-the-art technology for highest security applications. Easy central locking for containers and filing cabine s with full anti-tilt saf ty feature integrated. The key in your mind. The perfect s lution for keyless access and workspace mobility. LOCKING SYSTEMS WITH A ED VALUE .lehma inf o@lehma • .lehma Fon + 49 571/50 5 9 - 0 Fax + 49 571/50 5 9 - 8 22 Postfach / P.O B. 26 20 D-32 8 Minden • LEHMA N Ve triebsges llschaft mbh & Co. KG CYLINDER LOCK SY TEM ELECTRONIC SYSTEM INTERLOCK LOCKING SY TEM COMBINATION LOCK SY TEM Premiu locking solutions, whic Europe´s leading office furniture makers t ust. Maximum comfort and security. S ate-of the-art techn logy for hig est security applications. Easy central locking for containers and filing cabinets with full an - ilt safety feature integrated. The k y in your mind. The perf ct solution for keyl ss access and workspace mobility. All as a standard. Our locking programme for all types of furniture. One for all. Easy central locking for contai- ners and filing cabinets. New possibilities in fur iture design. Maximum comfort thanks to innovative technology. Key always at hand: With your own code which cannot be lost. S ST MS OF YLINDER LOCKS INTERLOCK LOCKING SYSTEMS LECTRONI SYSTE S SYSTEMS OF C DE LOCKS CONTENTS
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