Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

1.29 www.demos ‑ ø10 min 50 BA A B A A + + ü B B + ü −50 N° 26 A 119487 B 12140 C 12340 D 12173 −50 −45 N° 27 A 119487 B 12140 C 12341 −45 −40 N° 28 A 119487 B 12140 C 12340 D 12171 −40 −35 N° 29 A 119486 B 12141 C 12340 D 12173 −35 −30 N° 30 A 119486 B 12141 C 12341 -30 -25 N° 11 A 119486 B 12141 C 12332 D 12172 N° 31 A 119486 B 12141 C 12340 D 12171 −25 −20 N° 12 A 119485 B 12142 C 12319 D 12173 N° 32 A 119485 B 12142 C 12340 D 12173 −20 −15 N° 13 A 119485 B 12142 C 12311 N° 33 A 119485 B 12142 C 12340 −15 −10 N° 14 A 119485 B 121412 C 12332 D 12172 N° 34 A 119485 B 12142 C 12340 D 12170 −10 −5 N° 106/ 37 B1 12101 B2 12100 C 12340 D 12173 N° 107/ 37 B1 12101 B2 12100 C 12340 D 12173 N° 92/ 48 B 12075 C 12341 D 12173 N° 84 B 12075 C 12340 D 12173 N° 77/ 37 B 12076 C 12340 D 12173 N° 69/ 48 B 12081 C 12340 D 12173 N° 62/ 37 B 12080 C 12340 D 12173 N° 15 A 118031 B 12063 C 12340 D 12173 N° 35 A 118030 B 12060 C 12340 D 12173 −5 N° XX/ XX table of angle options F U R N I T U R E H I N G E S A N D L I F T F I T T I N G S TABLE OF ANGLE OPTIONS CLIP TOP CRISTALLO CLIP TOP MINI CLIP TOP GLASS DOORS Clip Top Clip Top BLUMOTION D C B2 B1 B A Angled hinges system −50° +50° Clip Top BLUMOTION 970A1002 – for drilling-in to Cristallo when using mini hinges and for glass doors Drilling of BLUMOTION 970A is performed on the hinge side and ensures perfect motion even when using angled mini hinges.BLUMOTION 970A should first be drilled on the top board of the body. The correct positioning is predefined by the distance of holes (BA). If the BLUMOTION effect is insufficient, we recommend mounting an additional BLUMOTION 970A on the bottom board. Distance of drilled holes when using angled mini hinges Angled hinge mounting Distance of holes (BA) in mm A . . . . Clip Top BLUMOTION B . . . . Clip Top CONTENTS