Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.149 www.demos ‑ 94 mm 126 mm SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg 94 270 355340 355341 × × × × × × 300 355348 355349 × × × × × × 350 355356 355357 × × × × × × 400 × 355364 355370 × × × × × 450 × 355376 355382 × × × × × 500 × 355388 355394 355400 × × × × 550 × 355406 355412 355418 × × × × 650 × 355424 355430 355436 × × × × 126 270 × × × × 355344 355345 × × 300 × × × × 355352 355353 × × 350 × × × × 355360 355361 × × 400 × × × × × 355367 355373 × 450 × × × × × 355379 355385 × 500 × × × × × 355391 355397 355403 550 × × × × × 355409 355415 355421 650 × × × × × 355427 355433 355439 186 270 × 355342 × × × 355346 × × 300 × 355350 × × × 355354 × × 350 × 355358 × × × 355362 × × 400 × 355365 355371 × × 355368 355374 × 450 × 355377 355383 × × 355380 355386 × 500 × 355389 355395 355401 × 355392 355398 355404 550 × 355407 355413 355419 × 355410 355416 355422 650 × 355425 355431 355437 × 355428 355434 355440 218 270 × 355343 × × × 355347 × × 300 × 355351 × × × 355355 × × 350 × 355359 × × × 355363 × × 400 × 355366 355372 × × 355369 355375 × 450 × 355378 355384 × × 355381 355387 × 500 × 355390 355396 355402 × 355393 355399 355405 550 × 355408 355414 355420 × 355411 355417 355423 650 × 355426 355432 355438 × 355429 355435 355441 S L I D E S ArciTech drawer system with double sides 1] To select the TopSide and DesignSide extensions, refer to the figure indicating which side height and back holder can be used. For example: 94/186 = side height 94, height of back holders 186. • Set in the tables always includes: –– 1 pair of side plates –– 1 pair of slides –– 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo –– 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders –– 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) in case of inner drawers, the front sheet metal or the front railing shall be added according to the width and number of drawers (p. 2.155) • drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.165-2.166 • mechanisms for handleless opening with damped closing Push-to-Open Silent, p. 2.162 base side height total height (mm) depth (mm) Champagne – inner CONTENTS