Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.147 www.demos ‑ 94 mm 126 mm SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg 94 270 355173 355174 × × × × × × 300 355185 355186 × × × × × × 350 355197 355198 × × × × × × 400 × 355209 355219 × × × × × 450 × 355229 355239 × × × × × 500 × 355249 355259 355269 × × × × 550 × 355279 355290 355300 × × × × 650 × 355310 355320 355330 × × × × 126 270 × × × × 355179 355180 × × 300 × × × × 355191 355192 × × 350 × × × × 355203 355204 × × 400 × × × × × 355214 355224 × 450 × × × × × 355234 355244 × 500 × × × × × 355254 355264 355274 550 × × × × × 355285 355295 355305 650 × × × × × 355315 355325 355335 186 270 × 355175 × × × 355181 × × 300 × 355187 × × × 355193 × × 350 × 355199 × × × 355205 × × 400 × 355210 355220 × × 355215 355225 × 450 × 355230 355240 × × 355235 355245 × 500 × 355250 355260 355270 × 355255 355265 355275 550 × 355280 355291 355301 × 355286 355296 355306 650 × 355311 355321 355331 × 355316 355326 355336 218 270 × 355176 × × × 355182 × × 300 × 355188 × × × 355194 × × 350 × 355200 × × × 355206 × × 400 × 355211 355221 × × 355216 355226 × 450 × 355231 355241 × × 355236 355246 × 500 × 355251 355261 355271 × 355256 355266 355276 550 × 355281 355292 355302 × 355287 355297 355307 650 × 355312 355322 355332 × 355317 355327 355337 250 270 × 355177 × × × 355183 × × 300 × 355189 × × × 355195 × × 350 × 355201 × × × 355207 × × 400 × 355212 355222 × × 355217 355227 × 450 × 355232 355242 × × 355237 355247 × 500 × 355252 355262 355272 × 355257 355267 355277 550 × 355282 355293 355303 × 355288 355298 355308 650 × 355313 355323 355333 × 355318 355328 355338 282 270 × 355178 × × × 355184 × × 300 × 355190 × × × 355196 × × 350 × 355202 × × × 355208 × × 400 × 355213 355223 × × 355218 355228 × 450 × 355233 355243 × × 355238 355248 × 500 × 355253 355263 355273 × 355258 355268 355278 550 × 355283 355294 355304 × 355289 355299 355309 650 × 355314 355324 355334 × 335319 355329 355339 S L I D E S ArciTech drawer system with double sides Champagne – front base side height total height (mm) depth (mm) 1] To select the TopSide and DesignSide extensions, refer to the figure indicating which side height and back holder can be used. For example: 94/186 = side height 94, height of back holders 186. • Set in the tables always includes: –– 1 pair of side plates –– 1 pair of slides –– 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo –– 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders –– 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) in case of inner drawers, the front sheet metal or the front railing shall be added according to the width and number of drawers (p. 2.155) • drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.165-2.166 • mechanisms for handleless opening with damped closing Push-to-Open Silent, p. 2.162 CONTENTS