Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.143 www.demos ‑ 94 mm 126 mm SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg 94 270 354893 354894 × × × × × × 300 354905 354906 × × × × × × 350 354917 354918 × × × × × × 400 × 354929 354939 × × × × × 450 × 354949 354959 × × × × × 500 × 354969 354979 354989 × × × × 550 × 354999 355009 355019 × × × × 650 × 355029 355040 355050 × × × × 126 270 × × × × 354899 354900 × × 300 × × × × 354911 354912 × × 350 × × × × 354923 354924 × × 400 × × × × × 354934 354944 × 450 × × × × × 354954 354964 × 500 × × × × × 354974 354984 354994 550 × × × × × 355004 355014 355024 650 × × × × × 355035 355045 355055 186 270 × 354895 × × × 354901 × × 300 × 354907 × × × 354913 × × 350 × 354919 × × × 354925 × × 400 × 354930 354940 × × 354935 354945 × 450 × 354950 354960 × × 354955 354965 × 500 × 354970 354980 354990 × 354975 354985 354995 550 × 355000 355010 355020 × 355005 355015 355025 650 × 355031 355041 355051 × 355036 355046 355056 218 270 × 354896 × × × 354902 × × 300 × 354908 × × × 354914 × × 350 × 354920 × × × 354926 × × 400 × 354931 354941 × × 354936 354946 × 450 × 354951 354961 × × 354956 354966 × 500 × 354971 354981 354991 × 354976 354986 354996 550 × 355001 355011 355021 × 355006 355016 355026 650 × 355032 355042 355052 × 355037 355047 355057 250 270 × 354897 × × × 354903 × × 300 × 354909 × × × 354915 × × 350 × 354921 × × × 354927 × × 400 × 354932 354942 × × 354937 354947 × 450 × 354952 354962 × × 354957 354967 × 500 × 354972 354982 354992 × 354977 354987 354997 550 × 355002 355012 355022 × 355007 355017 355027 650 × 355033 355043 355053 × 355038 355048 355058 282 270 × 354898 × × × 354904 × × 300 × 354910 × × × 354916 × × 350 × 354922 × × × 354928 × × 400 × 354933 354943 × × 354938 354948 × 450 × 354953 354963 × × 354958 354968 × 500 × 354973 354983 354993 × 354978 354988 354998 550 × 355003 355013 355023 × 355008 355018 355028 650 × 355034 355044 355054 × 355039 355049 355059 S L I D E S ArciTech drawer system with double sides Silver – front base side height total height (mm) depth (mm) 1] To select the TopSide and DesignSide extensions, refer to the figure indicating which side height and back holder can be used. For exam- ple: 94/186 = side height 94, height of back holders 186. • Set in the tables always includes: –– 1 pair of side plates –– 1 pair of slides –– 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo –– 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders –– 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) in case of inner drawers, the front sheet metal or the front railing shall be added according to the width and number of drawers (p. 2.155) • drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.165-2.166 • mechanisms for handleless opening with damped closing Push-to-Open Silent, p. 2.162 CONTENTS