Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.141 www.demos ‑ 94 mm 126 mm SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg SiSy 10 kg SiSy 40 kg SiSy 60 kg SiSy 80 kg 94 270 354778 354779 × × × × × × 300 354786 354787 × × × × × × 350 354794 354795 × × × × × × 400 × 354802 354808 × × × × × 450 × 354814 354820 × × × × × 500 × 354826 354832 354838 × × × × 550 × 354844 354850 354856 × × × × 650 × 354863 354869 354876 × × × × 126 270 × × × × 354782 354783 × × 300 × × × × 354790 354791 × × 350 × × × × 354798 354799 × × 400 × × × × × 354805 354811 × 450 × × × × × 354817 354823 × 500 × × × × × 354829 354835 354841 550 × × × × × 354847 354853 354860 650 × × × × × 354866 354872 354879 186 270 × 354780 × × × 354784 × × 300 × 354788 × × × 354792 × × 350 × 354796 × × × 354800 × × 400 × 354803 354809 × × 354806 354812 × 450 × 354815 354821 × × 354818 354824 × 500 × 354827 354833 354839 × 354830 354836 354842 550 × 354845 354851 354857 × 354848 354854 354861 650 × 354864 354870 354877 × 354867 354873 354880 218 270 × 354781 × × × 354785 × × 300 × 354789 × × × 354793 × × 350 × 354797 × × × 354801 × × 400 × 354804 354810 × × 354807 354813 × 450 × 354816 354822 × × 354819 354825 × 500 × 354828 354834 354840 × 354831 354837 354843 550 × 354846 354852 354858 × 354849 354855 354862 650 × 354865 354871 354878 × 354868 354874 354881 S L I D E S ArciTech drawer system with double sides 1] To select the TopSide and DesignSide extensions, refer to the figure indicating which side height and back holder can be used. For example: 94/186 = side height 94, height of back holders 186. base side height total height (mm) depth (mm) Anthracite – inner • Set in the tables always includes: –– 1 pair of side plates –– 1 pair of slides –– 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo –– 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders –– 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) in case of inner drawers, the front sheet metal or the front railing shall be added according to the width and number of drawers (p. 2.155) • drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.165-2.166 • mechanisms for handleless opening with damped closing Push-to-Open Silent, p. 2.162 CONTENTS