Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.125 www.demos ‑ 470 295239 130789 + 130790 × × 352819 + 352820 × 208912 + 208913 × 295247 260 295240 185713 + 185715 × 352800 352809 × 210459 × 300 295241 185794 + 185795 186532 352803 352812 352872 210432 210449 350 295242 185716 + 185717 107039 352804 + 352805 352815 352875 210433 210450 420 295243 185718 + 185719 107123 × 352818 352878 210434 210451 470 295244 130789 + 130790 294577 + 294578 × 352819 + 352820 352881 208912 + 208913 210452 520 295245 131977 + 131978 294581 + 294582 × 352824 352884 210436 210394 620 295246 × 294583 + 294584 × × 352887 × 210395 144 176 144 176 144 176 144 176 260 294885 294906 294855 294862 294851 294854 294983 295004 187272 300 294886 294907 294856 294864 294984 295005 350 294887 294908 294873 294865 294985 295006 420 294888 294909 294874 294867 294986 295007 470 294889 294910 294859 294868 294987 295008 520 294890 294911 294860 294869 294988 295009 620 294891 294912 294877 294870 294989 295010 S L I D E S InnoTech Atira anthracite Inner height of the sides 54 mm, slides EB 10.5 (for thickness of the sides of the body 18 mm) slides 2] length (mm) sides 1] SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg back holders Inner height of the sides 70 mm, slides EB 10.5 (for thickness of the sides of the body 18 mm) slides 2] length (mm) sides 1] SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg Individual components 1] packaging includes cover caps with Hettich logo and front fasteners with split dowels 2] SiSy – Silent System (damping), P2Os – Push-to-Open Silent (handleless opening with damped closing), P2O – Push-to-Open (handleless opening) • Fill the EB value in names above individual tables in the formula for calculation of bottom and back width. fittings for inner drawers – p. 2.121 drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.134 Extensions TopSide length (mm) metal glass adapter DesignSide including adapter DesignSide front fastener CONTENTS