Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2 2.122 12345 12345 275 294660 294687 × 294673 294700 × 185438 185537 × 300 294661 294688 294713 294674 294701 294724 136410 185538 208683 350 294662 294689 294714 294675 294702 294725 185439 185539 208684 400 294663 294690 294715 294676 294703 294726 131149 160748 208812 450 294664 294691 294716 294677 294704 294727 136412 136415 208685 500 294665 294692 294717 294678 294705 294728 119283 119285 130298 550 294666 294693 294718 294679 294706 294729 185440 185540 208814 600 294667 294694 294719 294680 294707 294730 119284 119286 208686 700 294668 294695 295361 294681 294708 295362 181310 162350 209741 800 294669 294696 294720 294682 294709 294731 136413 119287 119290 900 294670 294697 294721 294683 294710 294732 146824 179047 146825 1000 294671 294698 294722 294685 294711 294733 136408 136414 187028 1200 294672 294699 294723 294686 294712 294734 144092 144091 187029 S L I D E S InnoTech Atira accessories Item in stock Item on demand Steel back white anthracite silver length (mm) 70 144 176 70 144 176 70 144 176 Take advantage of the ready TopSide and DesignSide raised sides offer made from Decoracryl tailored to your chosen Atira and ArciTech drawers. Order via a simple ordering form in Sales support at For further information, call the technical support help line. CONTENTS 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15