Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.119 www.demos ‑ SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg 54 470 358073 × × 358075 × 358074 × 70 260 358076 × 358100 358103 × 358088 × 300 358077 358082 358101 358104 358109 358089 358094 350 358078 358083 358102 358105 358110 358090 358095 420 358079 358084 × 358106 358111 358091 358096 470 358080 358085 × 358107 358112 358092 358097 520 358081 358086 × 358108 358113 358093 358098 620 × 358087 × × 358114 × 358099 144 260 358115 × 358139 358142 × 358127 × 300 358116 358121 358140 358143 358148 358128 358133 350 358117 358122 358141 358144 358149 358129 358134 420 358118 358123 × 358145 358150 358130 358135 470 358119 358124 × 358146 358151 358131 358136 520 358120 358125 × 358147 358152 358132 358137 620 × 358126 × × 358153 × 358138 176 260 358154 × 358179 358182 × 358166 × 300 358155 358160 358180 358183 358188 358167 358172 350 358156 358161 358181 358184 358189 358168 358173 420 358157 358162 × 358185 358190 358169 358174 470 358158 358163 × 358186 358191 358170 358176 520 358159 358164 × 358187 358192 358171 358177 620 × 358165 × × 358193 × 358178 SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg 70 260 358194 × 358218 358221 × 358206 × 300 358195 358200 358219 358222 358227 358207 358212 350 358196 358201 358220 358223 358228 358208 358213 420 358197 358202 × 358224 358229 358209 358214 470 358198 358203 × 358225 358230 358210 358215 520 358199 358204 × 358226 358231 358211 358216 620 × 358205 × × 358232 × 358217 144 260 × × × × × × × 300 × × × × × × × 350 358233 358237 358251 358252 358256 358242 358246 420 358234 358238 × 358253 358257 358243 358247 470 358235 358239 × 358254 358258 358244 358248 520 358236 358240 × 358255 358259 358245 358249 620 × 358241 × × 358260 × 358250 S L I D E S Silver – front Silver – inner • Set in the tables always includes: –– 1 pair of side plates –– 1 pair of slides –– 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo –– 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders –– 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) in case of inner drawers, the front sheet metal or the front railing shall be added according to the width and number of drawers (p. 2.121) • drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.134 • mechanisms for handleless opening with damped closing Push-to-Open Silent, p. 2.129 load capacity total height depth (mm) load capacity total height depth (mm) Used abbreviations: SiSy – Silent System (integrated damping) P2Os – Push-to-Open Silent (handleless opening with damping when closing) P2O – Push-to-Open (handleless opening) InnoTech Atira drawer system with double sides CONTENTS