Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.117 www.demos ‑ SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg 54 470 357882 × × 357884 × 357883 × 70 260 357885 × 357909 357912 × 357897 × 300 357886 357891 357910 357913 357918 357898 357903 350 357887 357892 357911 357914 357919 357899 357904 420 357888 357893 × 357915 357920 357900 357905 470 357889 357894 × 357916 357921 357901 357906 520 357890 357895 × 357917 357922 357902 357907 620 × 357896 × × 357923 × 357908 144 260 357924 × 357950 357953 × 357937 × 300 357925 357930 357951 357954 357960 357938 357943 350 357926 357931 357952 357955 357961 357939 357945 420 357927 357932 × 357956 357962 357940 357946 470 357928 357933 × 357957 357963 357941 357947 520 357929 357934 × 357958 357964 357942 357948 620 × 357936 × × 357965 × 357949 176 260 357966 × 357991 357994 × 357979 × 300 357967 357972 357992 357995 358000 357980 357985 350 357968 357974 357993 357996 358001 357981 357986 420 357969 357975 × 357997 358002 357982 357987 470 357970 357976 × 357998 358003 357983 357988 520 357971 357977 × 357999 357004 357984 357989 620 × 357978 × × 358005 × 357990 SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg 70 260 358006 × 358030 358033 × 358018 × 300 358007 358012 358031 358034 358039 358019 358024 350 358008 358013 358032 358035 358040 358020 358025 420 358009 358014 × 358036 358041 358021 358026 470 358010 358015 × 358037 358042 358022 358027 520 358011 358016 × 358038 358043 358023 358028 620 × 358017 × × 358044 × 358029 144 260 × × × × × × × 300 × × × × × × × 350 358045 358049 358063 358064 358068 358054 358058 420 358046 358050 × 358065 358069 358055 358059 470 358047 358051 × 358066 358070 358056 358060 520 358048 358052 × 358067 358071 358057 358061 620 × 358053 × × 358072 × 358062 S L I D E S Anthracite – front Anthracite – inner • Set in the tables always includes: –– 1 pair of side plates –– 1 pair of slides –– 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo –– 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders –– 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) in case of inner drawers, the front sheet metal or the front railing shall be added according to the width and number of drawers (p. 2.121) • drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.134 • mechanisms for handleless opening with dam- ped closing Push-to-Open Silent, p. 2.129 load capacity total height depth (mm) load capacity total height depth (mm) Used abbreviations: SiSy – Silent System (integrated damping) P2Os – Push-to-Open Silent (handleless opening with damping when closing) P2O – Push-to-Open (handleless opening) InnoTech Atira drawer system with double sides CONTENTS