Furniture fittings catalogue 2019

2.115 www.demos ‑ SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg 54 470 357689 × × 357691 × 357690 × 70 260 357692 × 357717 357720 × 357704 × 300 357693 357698 357718 357721 357726 357705 357711 350 357694 357699 357719 357722 357727 357706 357712 420 357695 357700 × 357723 357728 357707 357713 470 357696 357701 × 357724 357729 357709 357714 520 357697 357702 × 357725 357730 357710 357715 620 × 357703 × × 357731 × 357716 144 260 357732 × 357756 357759 × 357744 × 300 357733 357738 357757 357760 357765 357745 357750 350 357734 357739 357758 357761 357766 357746 357751 420 357735 357740 × 357762 357767 357747 357752 470 357736 357741 × 357763 357768 357748 357753 520 357737 357742 × 357764 357769 357749 357754 620 × 357743 × × 357770 × 357755 176 260 357771 × 357796 357799 × 357784 × 300 357772 357778 357797 357800 357806 357785 357790 350 357773 357779 357798 357801 357808 357786 357791 420 357774 357780 × 357802 357810 357787 357792 470 357775 357781 × 357803 357811 357788 357793 520 357777 357782 × 357805 357812 357789 357794 620 × 357783 × × 357814 × 357795 SiSy 30 kg SiSy 50 kg P2Os 10 kg P2Os 30 kg P2Os 50 kg P2O 30 kg P2O 50 kg 70 260 357815 × 357839 357842 × 357827 × 300 357816 357821 357840 357843 357848 357828 357833 350 357817 357822 357841 357844 357849 357829 357834 420 357818 357823 × 357845 357850 357830 357835 470 357819 357824 × 357846 357851 357831 357836 520 357820 357825 × 357847 357852 357832 357837 620 × 357826 × × 357853 × 357838 144 260 × × × × × × × 300 × × × × × × × 350 357854 357858 357872 357873 357877 357863 357867 420 357855 357859 × 357874 357878 357864 357868 470 357856 357860 × 357875 357879 357865 357869 520 357857 357861 × 357876 357880 357866 357870 620 × 357862 × × 357881 × 357871 S L I D E S White – front White – inner • Set in the tables always includes: –– 1 pair of side plates –– 1 pair of slides –– 2 pcs of cover caps with Hettich logo –– 1 pair of front holders with split dowel / front sheet metal holders –– 1 pair of back holders of appropriate height • extension needs to be added (railing, TopSide or DesignSide) in case of inner drawers, the front sheet metal or the front railing shall be added according to the width and number of drawers (p. 2.121) • drawings for preparation of the body – see p. 2.134 • mechanisms for handleless opening with damped closing Push-to-Open Silent, p. 2.129 Used abbreviations: SiSy – Silent System (integrated damping) P2Os – Push-to-Open Silent (handleless opening with damping when closing) P2O – Push-to-Open (handleless opening) load capacity total height depth (mm) load capacity total height depth (mm) InnoTech Atira drawer system with double sides CONTENTS