Furniture fittings catalogue 2019
9 9.116 12345 12345 83849 83875 44441 129547 390 390 392 62 356 419 450/500/600 16 - 19 427 5 400 H = 427mm B = 390 mm 310 348 310 290 110° 310 348 310 290 110° S I N K S , T A P S , H O O D S Franke sorters and waste bins Item in stock Item on demand • required door opening angle 110° • mounting into a cabinet with hinged doors • the bin opens at the same time as the door code name for cabinet (mm) height (mm) volume (l) Solo 45 450 430 40 Solo 50 500 Solo 60 600 code volume (l) for cabinet (mm) height (mm) colour 17.5 400 348 black • width of individual types only differs by lid dimension • mounting on door with hinges • the bin opens at the same time as the door • the lid must be fixed to the inside of the cabinet side Franke Solo waste bin Franke Mini 17.5 l CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15
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