Katalog Demos 2024_GB_links

12345 12345 09.114 09 389846 389859 389860 153823 153824 153825 Item in stock Item on demand FITTINGS FOR OFFICES, HOME OFFICES, STUDENT ROOMS cabinet hanging filing cabinets – individual components • it is necessary to use sheet metals with code 389844 for attaching the divider • only serves to cover the front of the drawers and frames if used for a cabinet with doors (without the fronts of drawers) • the right and left parts are for the version with an internal width of 762 and 412 mm • the centre part is for the 762 mm version and it is necessary to shorten it for the inner width of 412 mm code description basic division of the cabinet drawer code description metal divider A5 (length 212 mm) metal divider A6 (length 152 mm) code description plastic right cover for drawers and frames plastic left cover for drawers and frames plastic right cover for drawers and frames Basic inner division Internal partitions Frame covers 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13