Katalog Demos 2024_GB_links

www.demos‑trade.com 09.113 153811 394746 389844 153811 762 390 153812 394745 412 540 394746 390 503412 390 60 503413 503414 540 65 503415 153815 153816 cabinet hanging filing cabinets – individual components FITTINGS FOR OFFICES, HOME OFFICES, STUDENT ROOMS • perforated sheet metals are used for securing dividers (code 389846) • two perforated sheet metals are inserted from the inner side into the drawer and a basic divider (code 389846) is inserted between them, whereby they are fastened code description perforated sheet metal • suspension frames and wide drawers of the Orga AER system offer a wide range of possibilities of cabinets and filing cabinets • cabinet equipment can also be supplied in non-standard sizes according to the conditions of the supplier • everything is always organised so that both design and quality stand out together with clear arrangement • the Orga AER system is protected against tipping over of the filing cabinets by the SVS3 locking bar • suitable for hanging folders and filing cabinets that possess a hook for hanging (they are commonly available e.g. in stationeries) • for width 762, 8 pcs of screws (153821) are needed to attach the front • for width 412, 4 pcs of screws (153821) are needed to attach the front code inner width (mm) depth (mm) description cabinet metal frame for suspension files cabinet metal drawer with LDF (laminated) bottom cabinet metal frame for suspension files code length (mm) load capacity (kg) description left with self-closing system and soft closing right with self-closing system and soft closing left with self-closing system and soft closing right with self-closing system and soft closing • serves to divide the frame for suspension files into two parts • thanks to this divider, it is possible to hang files both lengthwise and crosswise code description metal divider • front panel brace is used to reinforce the front of a high cabinet drawer or a suspension filing cabinet • piece in package (2 pieces of fasteners are required for one drawer or frame) code description metal front panel Drawers and frames Front panel brace for high front Orga AER Divider for suspension filing cabinet with depth 390 mm Full extension slides for cabinet drawers and frames Sheet metal for attaching the inner division