Katalog Demos 2024_GB

www.demos‑trade.com 09.115 762 357 357 357 390 412 357 357 357 390 / 540 283884 762 390 357 1076 3 283885 394750 412 394753 394757 540 394758 3 × 3 × 3 × 6 × 3 × 6 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 2 × 2 × 283884 153811 503412 503413 308749 153815 153816 176244 176243 180983 181173 L00031 283885 × 394750 394746 308749 × 394741 394753 × 394757 394745 503414 503415 308749 394758 × hanging filing cabinets – sets FITTINGS FOR OFFICES, HOME OFFICES, STUDENT ROOMS • the complete set must be supplied with a replacement Lehmann insert as required (p. 09.71) and a rosette (L00066) if necessary • screws (code 153821) are supplied separately as required • 8 pcs of screws are needed for one drawer n Complete sets are units composed of other codes and are intended for simple ordering of more complex assemblies. They do not have to be stocked out and packaged together. code inner width (mm) depth (mm) soft closing front height (mm) inner height (mm) number of drawers yes no yes no yes no code of complete set frame frame slides damper for slides lateral divider front panel brace SVS locking bar extending bar lock bar for extending bar lock extending bar guide left right left right Type R3 Overview table of the individual components of the complete sets