Katalog Demos 2024_GB

www.demos‑trade.com 09.85 396209 1 396211 1 506701 Lehmann electronic locks FITTINGS FOR OFFICES, HOME OFFICES, STUDENT ROOMS Possible uses: • FIX/FREE modes • MASTER code – which can be used to open the lock if the code is forgotten (the master code can be changed) • RESET code – if all codes are lost, the reset code can be used to reset the lock to factory settings • low battery signalling by flashing LED Characteristics of the TA03 keypad • integrated handle function • label option for box numbering • emergency power supply from a commonly available 9 V battery • compatible with M410 and M610 locks Characteristics of the M410 lock: • assembly into sheet metal, HPL and wood (using fixing element) • micro USB for updates and service • battery type CR123A with lifetime of 25,000 cycles (the battery is part of the package) • resistant to disinfectants • the lock is right-left FIX mode (private) • The lock remembers a specific password, card or fingerprint – it is designed for one or more specific users. FREE mode (public) • A lock for public areas where the user sets a password, fingerprint or locks with a specific card and after use (unlocking) the lock is reset and ready for a new user. Package contents: • lock M410 • keypad TA03 • keypad frame • cam • cam protection • pin • connecting cable 200 mm • counter plate • battery code description package (pcs) lock with black keypad lock with keypad nickel matt M410 lock with TA03 keypad Lock M410 M410 fingerprint • package includes: lock with fingerprint reader, counterpart, battery • FIX/FREE modes • up to 200 fingerprints • setting the “admin” configuration by fingerprint • LED locking/unlocking indication • acoustic signalling option code description lock with fingerprint reader