Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 09.48 09 60 14 96 75 42 44 ø30 2 47,2 26,5 16 ~ 19 OPEN 96 75 42 6 21 OPEN 75 6 21 81 38 81 38 OPEN 96 75 42 6 21 403650 403652 Item in stock Item on demand FITTINGS FOR OFFICES, HOME OFFICES, STUDENT ROOMS StrongLocks electronic locks • by entering the code the lock is unlocked, then the knob can be turned • the password consists of 4–15 characters • 2× AAA batteries (not included in the package) • FAKE PIN technology – to confuse any unwanted user. Enter any numbers before entering the lock code, then enter the unlock code. This will significantly impair the ability to gain access to unlock. • alarm goes off after the fourth incorrect entry • package includes: lock 1 pc, cam 1 pc, adapter for mounting into wood 1 pc, screws 4 pcs, reset cable 1 pc, striker plate 1 pc • USB connector for emergency power supply in case of battery depletion • the lock has a concealed hole for emergency unlocking – master key on request • the lock can also be installed on sheet metal – drawing at ww.demos-trade.com • by pressing the finger the lock is unlocked, then the knob can be turned • 2× AAA batteries (not included in the package) • alarm goes off after the fourth incorrect entry • package includes: lock 1 pc, adapter for mounting into wood 1 pc, screws 4 pcs, cam 1 pc, striker plate 1 pc, disassembly stick for removing the cover cap of the master key hole 1 pc • the lock has a concealed hole for emergency unlocking – master key on request • the lock can also be installed on sheet metal – drawing at ww.demos-trade.com code orientation right code orientation right Electronic knob lock with keypad Fingerprint lock with knob 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13