Katalog Demos 2024_GB

www.demos‑trade.com 09.29 85372 720 600 × 420 (Ø 76) 1 000 × 600 (Ø 800) 23 86310 144326 86318 86317 730 400 × 400 (Ø 60) 700 × 700 18 85374 144362 720 430 × 430 (Ø 76) 800 × 800 17 144363 144365 144364 BD 004 BM 030 BM 013 BD and BM central table legs FITTINGS FOR OFFICES, HOME OFFICES, STUDENT ROOMS • can also be produced in any other RAL colour • for this leg, it is also possible to use an adapter for gluing a glass tabletop (adapter order code is 160042) • the leg can be shortened as required • the bottom base is made of cast iron and its surface has a rough structure • 1,100 mm height available on the online portal Démos trade • can also be produced in any other RAL colour • for this leg, it is also possible to use an adapter for gluing a glass tabletop (adapter order code is 160042) • the leg can be shortened as required • the bottom base is made of cast iron and its surface has a rough structure • 1,100 mm height available on the online portal Démos trade code surface height (mm) base (mm) (leg) max. dimensions of tabletop with th. 18 mm (mm) weight (kg) black RAL 9005 grey RAL 9006 chrome matt stainless steel code surface height (mm) base (mm) (leg) max. dimensions of tabletop with th. 18 mm (mm) weight (kg) black RAL 9005 matt stainless steel • can also be produced in any other RAL colour • for this leg, it is also possible to use an adapter for gluing a glass tabletop (adapter order code is 160042) • the leg can be shortened as required • the bottom base is made of cast iron and its surface has a rough structure • 1,100 mm height available on the online portal Démos trade code surface height (mm) base (mm) (leg) max. dimensions of tabletop with th. 18 mm (mm) weight (kg) black RAL 9005 grey RAL 9006 chrome matt stainless steel