Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 09.20 09 D S S L 2,0+L i 8 ST 201 K-16 ST201KR 14 - 18 ST201KW 217641 218772 219266 219772 800 ST201K-08 217628 218759 219253 219759 900 ST201K-09 217629 218760 219254 219760 1000 ST201K-10 217630 218761 219255 219761 1100 ST201K-11 217631 218762 219256 219762 1200 ST201K-12 217632 218763 219257 219763 1300 ST201K-13 217633 218764 219258 219764 1400 ST201K-14 217634 218765 219259 219765 1500 ST201K-15 217635 218766 219260 219766 1600 ST201K-16 217636 218767 219261 219767 1700 ST201K-17 217637 218768 219262 219768 1800 ST201K-18 217638 218769 219263 219769 1400–1800 ST201KR 14 - 18 217639 218770 219264 219770 1800–2200 ST201KR 18 - 22 217640 218771 219265 219771 15092 × 6 229902 15 / 16 229903 18 / 19 Item in stock Item on demand FITTINGS FOR OFFICES, HOME OFFICES, STUDENT ROOMS STS – connecting channels and accessories • the channel length is always 130 mm shorter than the indicated tabletop length Ĺ only for bases on p. 09.19 D – length of the tabletop according to the selected connecting channel S – overlap of the tabletop over the table frame, overlap indicated for each base • the channel length should be 130 mm shorter than the indicated tabletop length Ĺ only for bases on p. 09.19 • length: 197 mm • it is used for small table constructions instead of a connecting channel or wooden rim • when using a support, it is necessary to take into account the deteriorated stability of the table Ĺ only for bases on p. 09.19 name silver anthracite black white tabletop length D (mm) name silver anthracite black white tabletop length D (mm) name silver anthracite black white Fixed With regulation code name tabletop thickness (mm) number (pcs) for complete set cam screw-in dowel M6 connecting fittings cam Connecting fittings for wooden rim Support 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13