Katalog Demos 2024_GB

07.143 www.demos‑trade.com Art. 1380/SFS Art.1380 15,5 1 2 14 68 min. 6 30 50 80 120 160 392694 × 392703 × 392715 min. 600 (160 kg – min 700) 392699 392701 392704 392707 489956 min. 740 (160 kg – min. 865) × 392702 392705 392709 × min. 600 (160 kg – min. 865) 30 kg 1,5 392696 284680 506673 × 700–850 2 1989551] DT303 498578 DT305 850–1100 2,5 × 284681 506674 × 1100–1350 3 392697 DT304 506675 DT306 1350–1600 4 × 393803 506676 399177 1600–2150 6 492018 506677 DT307 2150–3200 392695 DT336 285338 × 2 m DT333 506679 3 m DT334 506680 6 m DT335 506681 135251 506678 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 45677891011 133383 FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT Step sliding wooden interior doors For sets for gradual or synchronous opening of the door leaves, see pages 07.145–147. • wood lining bracket / side cover cap of cover profile Cover profile for 50–160 kg Side cover cap for cover profile Wooden lining bracket Top guide • The Step system is equipped with a rubber soft closer which significantly reduces the noise level • easy to assemble and disassemble, easier adjustment of the door position before placing the door; secured against dropping • the main advantage is the possibility of milling the trolleys into the top edge of the door, which can reduce the gap between the top edge of the door and the guide profile to a minimum • minimum door thickness 20 mm (25 mm when assembled by milling), turned castors for quiet operation • set for lighter leaves, with soft closing option • when attached to the wall, maximum leaf thickness is 40 mm • we recommend using the widest leaves possible • narrow and tall leaves are less stable and especially in connection with a soft closer may cause bouncing and malfunction top guide min. 20 (25) mm ball bearings load 30–160 kg • the quality of operation of the fitting depends on proper fastening of the guide – no bending, twisting, etc. • in case of lower load capacity of the wall, increase the number of brackets • check the planarity of brackets before mounting 1] top guide for milling-in n Important When the door is closed for the first time, soft closer are not activated. Close the leaf slowly to activate soft closer (click). Rapid impact can damage the soft closer as the leaf strikes the end position without soft closing! Always demonstrate before handing the product to the customer in order to prevent possible complications. Required number of guide brackets for wall mounting For solid wood doors up to 160 kg type of fittings load capacity in kg leaf width in mm set of fittings with brake set of fittings 2× fluid soft closer set of fittings 2× absorber length (m) 50−160 kg anodised 50−160 kg anodised black 160 kg for version with brake leaf width (mm) guide bracket anodised aluminium black anodised aluminium black code length (m) number of brackets code