Katalog Demos 2024_GB

07.99 www.demos‑trade.com 1000 mm 1700 mm 478052 478064 478054 478066 478053 478065 478055 478067 478056 478068 478060 478072 478058 478070 478062 478074 478057 478069 478061 478073 478059 478071 478063 478075 478088 478076 478090 478078 478089 478077 478091 478079 478092 478080 478096 478084 478094 478082 478098 478086 478093 478081 478097 478085 478095 478083 478099 478087 478112 478100 × × 478113 478101 484573 484567 478116 478104 × × 478118 478106 484576 484570 478117 478105 × × 478119 478107 484577 484571 × × 478114 478102 × × 478115 478103 × × 478120 478108 × × 478122 478110 × × 478121 478109 × × 478123 478111 1000 mm 1700 mm 1700 mm 1700 mm 479761 479773 479763 479775 479762 479774 479764 479776 479833 479839 479834 479840 479765 479777 479769 479781 479767 479779 479771 479783 479835 479841 479837 479843 479766 479778 479770 479782 479768 479780 479772 479784 479836 479842 479838 479844 479797 479785 479799 479787 479798 479786 479800 479788 479851 479845 479852 479846 479801 479789 479805 479793 479803 479791 479807 479795 479853 479847 479855 479849 479802 479790 479806 479794 479804 479792 479808 479796 479854 479848 479856 479850 479821 479809 × × 479822 479810 484868 484887 484873 487142 484874 487145 479825 479813 × × 479827 479815 484871 487137 484875 487143 484883 487146 479826 479814 × × 479828 479816 484872 487138 484882 487144 484884 487147 × × 479823 479811 × × 479824 479812 479863 479857 479864 479858 × × 479829 479817 × × 479831 479819 479865 479859 479867 479861 × × 479830 479818 × × 479832 479820 479866 479860 479868 479862 FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT fittings for folding doors Pull to move Silent light and medium doors without bottom guide • Version: Complete set of WingLine L Pull to move Silent fittings for light and medium-heavy doors, including opening mechanism, top guide and folding door hinges. Without the bottom guide. The door opens fully when the handle is pulled to an angle of approx. 35°, when closed the door closes softly. Pull to move Silent light and medium doors with bottom guidance • Version: Complete set of WingLine L Pull to move Silent fittings for light and medium-heavy doors, including opening mechanism, top and bottom guides and folding door hinges. The door opens fully when the handle is pulled to an angle of approx. 35°, when closed the door closes softly. n as a compulsory accessory it is necessary to purchase a stay closed function, see page 07.98 n recommended side hinges, see related assortment for separate sets n as a compulsory accessory it is necessary to purchase a stay closed function, see page 07.98 n recommended side hinges, see related assortment for separate sets opening side / max. cabinet width maximum leaf height maximum weight / one leaf width light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm type of folding hinge design for screw fixing for pressing-in for screw fixing for pressing-in for screw fixing for pressing-in for screw fixing for pressing-in colour of mechanism right / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black left / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,200 mm (light and medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,800 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black page opening / max. cabinet width maximum leaf height maximum weight / one leaf width light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm type of folding hinge design for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin colour of mechanism right / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black left / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,200 mm (light and medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,800 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black