Katalog Demos 2024_GB

07.97 www.demos‑trade.com 1000 mm 1700 mm 477482 477946 477725 477948 477502 477947 477937 477949 477938 477950 477942 477954 477940 477952 477944 477956 477939 477951 477943 477955 477941 477953 477945 477957 477970 477958 477972 477960 477971 477959 477973 477961 477974 477962 477978 477966 477976 477964 477980 477968 477975 477963 477979 477967 477977 477965 477981 477969 477994 477982 × × 477995 477983 484177 484183 477998 477986 × × 478000 477988 484247 484249 477999 477987 × × 478001 477989 484251 484253 × × 477996 477984 × × 477997 477985 × × 478002 477990 × × 478004 477992 × × 478003 477991 × × 478005 477993 1000 mm 1700 mm 2200 mm 2400 mm 479617 479629 479619 479631 479618 479630 479620 479632 481153 481159 481154 481160 479621 479633 479625 479637 479623 479635 479627 479639 481155 481161 481157 481163 479622 479634 479626 479638 479624 479636 479628 479640 481156 481162 481158 481164 479653 479641 479655 479643 479654 479642 479656 479644 481171 481165 481172 481166 479657 479645 479661 479649 479659 479647 479663 479651 481173 481167 481175 481169 479658 479646 479662 479650 479660 479648 479664 479652 481174 481168 481176 481170 479677 479665 × × 479678 479666 484653 484630 484645 484641 484659 484656 479681 479669 × × 479683 479671 484654 484633 484647 484642 484660 484657 479682 479670 × × 479684 479672 484655 484634 484649 484643 484661 484658 × × 479679 479667 × × 479680 479668 481183 481177 481184 481178 × × 479685 479673 × × 479687 479675 481185 481179 481187 481181 × × 479686 479674 × × 479688 479676 481186 481180 481188 481182 FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT fittings for folding doors Push to move light and medium doors without bottom guide Push to move light and medium doors with bottom guide guidance • Version: Complete set of WingLine L Push to move fittings for light and medium-heavy doors including opening mechanism, top guide and folding door hinges. Without the bottom guide. The door opens with a short push and must be closed. n as a compulsory accessory it is necessary to purchase a stay closed function, see page 07.98 n recommended side hinges, see related assortment for separate sets n as a compulsory accessory it is necessary to purchase a stay closed function, see page 07.98 n recommended side hinges, see related assortment for separate sets • Version: Complete set of WingLine L Push to move fittings for light and medium-heavy doors including opening mechanism, top and bottom guide and folding door hinges. The door opens with a short push and must be closed. opening side / max. cabinet width maximum leaf height maximum weight / one leaf width light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm type of folding hinge design for screw fixing for pressing-in for screw fixing for pressing-in for screw fixing for pressing-in for screw fixing for pressing-in colour of mechanism right / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black left / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,200 mm (light and medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,800 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black page opening / max. cabinet width maximum leaf height maximum weight / one leaf width light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm light up to 5 kg / 250–300 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm medium-heavy 5–12 kg / 250–450 mm type of folding hinge design for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin for screw fixing for pressingin colour of mechanism right / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black left / 600 mm (light), 900 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,200 mm (light and medium-heavy) grey white black right + left / 1,800 mm (medium-heavy) grey white black