Katalog Demos 2024_GB

07.59 www.demos‑trade.com 2 m 394287 394283 216362 394267 394231 × × × 3 m 394289 394284 394270 394265 394273 394281 364016 4 m × × × × × × × 6 m 394290 394285 × × × × × 2 m 488266 488257 216362 488237 488235 × × × 3 m 488267 488258 488238 488236 488239 491112 497949 4 m × × × × × × × 6 m 488268 488259 × × × × × 349732 229446 349733 349856 346726 98067 306523 409700 95946 229681 298035 318662 283956 318663 283955 252987 FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT 1] screw-on version, connecting screw 346726 2] glue on with double-sided tape or glue (not included) 3] sale by the metre White polished Black matt Accessories – other Simple Blue system for built-in sliding cabinets – 18 mm thick panel profile length top guide Blue Blue V bottom guide end cap for Blue-V3] bottom guide top guide strip bottom cover strip H21 connecting strip H281] connecting strip decorative self-adhesive strip 18 mm profile length top guide Blue Blue V bottom guide end cap for Blue-V3] bottom guide top guide strip bottom cover strip H21 connecting strip H281] connecting strip decorative self-adhesive strip 18 mm code accessories – other set of top trolleys set of bottom trolleys for Blue-V guide set of bottom trolleys for Blue-C guide fastening wedges (40 pcs) connecting screw backstop brush 14 × 4 mm grey backstop brush 14 × 4 mm white backstop brush 14 × 4 mm black code accessories – other anti-dust brush bottom positioner top positioner soft closer Mini SV 14–25 kg soft closer Mini SV 25–40 kg Central SV-25 double-sided soft closer up to 25 kg Central SV-40 double-sided soft closer up to 40 kg mounting preparation