Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 07.56 07 Arte GM Porto GM Prosper II GM Arte GM 18 2,7 m 489292 489293 489294 Porto GM 18 2,7 m 489286 489289 × Porto GM 18 3 m 489287 489288 × Prosper II GM 18 489290 489291 × 1,7 89106 84385 318657 84410 496366 496369 × × 2,35 89109 84388 318660 98057 496367 496370 × × 3 89112 84391 345408 84412 496368 496371 496942 496924 4,05 89115 84394 345776 98058 × × × × 6 134933 350687 346118 159409 × × × × 1,7 422008 422007 452751 496974 496952 × × 2,35 409670 409678 409679 496977 496955 × × 3 412229 412231 414086 496979 496957 496987 496996 4,05 409674 409676 409680 × × × × 6 452736 452743 452757 × × × × 1,7 89105 318666 318655 308647 496970 496946 × × 2,35 89108 84387 318658 308653 496971 496947 × × 3 89111 84390 345409 308657 496972 496951 496986 496990 4,05 89114 84393 345777 308666 × × × × 6 134934 350688 346119 308668 × × × × FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT Item in stock Item on demand • length 2.7 m, for LDF 18 mm or glass/mirror1] • system allowing the combination of 18 mm laminate with glass fillings by means of sealing bottom, double lamino 18 mm glass 4−4.5 mm ball bearings load 50 kg Ĺ 1] use safety glass or mirror, or secure with a protective foil, p. 07.21 Single handle profiles Accessories – profile Silver Olive Black matt built-in sliding cabinets – 18 mm thick panel/glass handle profile / surface treatment silver olive black matt length of the profile (m) silver Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) Gemini bottom guide top guide strip bottom cover strip H18 connecting strip H25 connecting strip length of the profile (m) olive Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) Gemini bottom guide top guide strip bottom cover strip H18 connecting strip H25 connecting strip length of the profile (m) black matt Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) top guide rail bottom cover strip H18 connecting strip H25 connecting strip 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13