Katalog Demos 2024_GB

07.45 www.demos‑trade.com 308631 298035 362316 228023 229440 89063 1,7 m 422008 422007 452751 × × × × × × × 422014 2,35 m 409670 409678 409679 × × × × × × × 409682 3 m 412229 412231 414086 497947 497948 409683 422013 497950 491112 497949 412226 4,05 m 409674 409676 409680 × × × × × × × × 6 m 452736 452743 452757 × × × × × × × × 228023 362316 362252 229440 89244 4,8 × 4 305137 409699 196947 4,8 × 6 89284 4,8 × 4 89131 6,7 × 4 361759 6,7 × 9 308639 6,7 × 13 223569 × 308631 89063 298035 98019 FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT Sets of trolleys Positioners Demarcation wedge Screw Backstop and anti-dust brushes Black matt 1] glue on with double-sided tape or glue (not included) fittings for built-in sliding cabinets – 18 mm thick panel profile length Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) connecting profile H04 connecting profile H08 H18 Decor connecting profile U profile for LDF 18 mm T profile decorative stick-on strip 10 mm1] decorative self-adhesive strip 18 mm Mini angle bracket 17 × 11 mm code description top bottom, for Elegant II guide, springless bottom, for Elegant II guide, with spring bottom, for Gemini guide code description dimension (mm) colour backstop brush slide-in grey white black grey self-adhesive backstop brush grey self-adhesive anti-dust brush backstop brush staple2] code description when using 16 mm leaf panel code description for bottom trolleys for top trolleys code description for fixing the bottom guide