Katalog Demos 2024_GB

07.27 www.demos‑trade.com 89265 328321 229441 89244 98067 306523 409700 98067 89063 298035 98019 89238 135164 89243 212607 132953 228009 328321 229441 89244 98067 306523 409700 89063 298035 98019 89238 135164 89243 212607 132953 1,7 m 405407 405393 405427 405377 405369 × 2,35 m 398096 398188 398553 405379 405375 × 3 m 405423 405403 405428 405382 405376 395508 4,05 m 405425 405404 405429 × × × 6 m 405426 405406 405430 × × × 1,7 m 422008 422007 452751 422043 422027 × × × × 2,35 m 409670 409678 409679 452608 422029 × × × × 3 m 412229 412231 414086 452734 422030 503403 503404 452761 452604 4,05 m 409674 409676 409680 × × × × × × 6 m 452736 452743 452757 × × × × × × 1,7 m 205163 205090 345403 205105 205171 × 2,35 m 205165 205079 345407 205157 205173 × 3 m 205167 205186 345412 205159 205175 205161 4,05 m 205169 205088 346116 × × × 6 m 225372 225369 346122 × × × FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT code accessories – other set of top trolleys set of bottom trolleys for Elegant II guide set of bottom trolleys for Gemini guide connecting screw backstop brush 14 × 4 mm grey backstop brush 14 × 4 mm white backstop brush 14 × 4 mm black anti-dust brush 4.8 × 13 mm grey bottom positioner top positioner screw for attaching bottom guide glass gasket 10/4 mm glass gasket 10/4.5 mm glass gasket 10/6 mm glass gasket 10/6.4 mm glass gasket 10.1/8 mm code accessories – other set of top trolleys set of bottom trolleys for Elegant II guide set of bottom trolleys for Gemini guide connecting screw backstop brush 14 × 4 mm grey backstop brush 14 × 4 mm white backstop brush 14 × 4 mm black bottom positioner top positioner screw for attaching bottom guide glass gasket 10/4 mm glass gasket 10/4.5 mm glass gasket 10/6 mm glass gasket 10/6.4 mm glass gasket 10.1/8 mm guide and cover profiles and accessories for built-in sliding cabinets – 10 mm thick panel or glass profile length Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) top guide rail bottom cover strip H10 connecting strip profile length Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) top guide rail bottom cover strip H04/06 connecting strip H04/07 connecting strip H10 connecting strip H30 Decor connecting strip1] Brushed black Black polished profile length Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) top guide rail bottom cover strip H10 connecting strip Black matt Accessories – or Fox II, Lux III, system 10 and Vitara models Accessories – for Gemini, Julia II, Karat, Lynx and Romeo II models Ĺ for soft closer, see p. 07.29 1] profile H30 is connected with handle profiles by connecting screw 89244 and it also strengthens the leaf construction