Katalog Demos 2024_GB

07.25 www.demos‑trade.com 1,7 m 89106 84385 318657 84410 89230 89228 × × × × × 2,35 m 89109 84388 318660 98057 89232 89226 × × × × × 3 m 89112 84391 345408 84412 89234 89224 503398 503399 89236 214745 89069 4,05 m 89115 84394 345776 98058 × × × × × × × 6 m 134933 350687 346118 159409 × × × × × × × Fox II 2,7 m 96421 96427 96429 205074 96428 265065 489302 495587 205077 395506 425057 Gemini 2,7 m 98070 98071 × × 98072 × × × × × 278164 Julia II 2,7 m 135344 135342 × × × × × × × × × Karat 2,7 m 223572 223573 × × × × × × × × × Lux III 2,7 m 196711 196709 × × 489624 × × × × × × Lux III 3 m 489625 489948 × × 489949 × × × × × × Lynx 2,7 m 394690 394691 × × × × × × × × × Romeo II 2,7 m 135366 135365 × × × × × × × × × System 10 II 2,7 m 98073 98074 × × 98075 × × × × × × Vitara 2,7 m 372604 372605 × × × 372606 × × × × 489309 1,7 m 89105 318666 318655 308647 89231 89229 × × × × × 2,35 m 89108 84387 318658 308653 89233 89227 × × × × × 3 m 89111 84390 345409 308657 89235 89225 503400 503401 89237 227193 89071 4,05 m 89114 84393 345777 308666 × × × × × × × 6 m 134934 350688 346119 308668 × × × × × × × FITTINGS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, WARDROBE EQUIPMENT handle profiles, guide and cover profiles for built-in sliding cabinets – 10 mm thick panel or glass profile length Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) bottom guide Gemini top guide rail bottom cover strip H04/06 connecting strip H04/07 connecting strip H10 connecting strip H10 Decor connecting strip H30 Decor connecting strip1] Accessories – profile Handle profile summary table handle profile / surface treatment silver olive brushed olive brushed dark olive gold white polished white matt graphite brushed black black polished black matt Olive profile length Gemini top guide Elegant II bottom guide Elegant II cover profile (mask) Gemini bottom guide top guide rail bottom cover strip H04/06 connecting strip H04/07 connecting strip H10 connecting strip H10 Decor connecting strip H30 Decor connecting strip1] Silver 1] profile H30 is connected with handle profiles by connecting screw 89244 and it also strengthens the leaf construction