Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 04.64 04 175 – 200 295080 295093 × 295111 295124 × 108167 106737 × 201 – 250 295081 295094 × 295112 295125 × 106738 106739 × 251 – 300 295082 295095 × 295113 295126 × 106741 106743 × 301 – 350 295083 295096 × 295114 295127 × 106746 106748 × 351 – 400 295084 295097 × 295115 295128 × 106749 106752 × 401 – 450 295085 295098 × 295116 295129 × 106753 106755 × 451 – 500 295086 295099 × 295117 295130 × 106757 106766 × 501 – 600 295087 295100 295106 295118 295131 295137 106771 106713 295137 601 – 700 295088 295101 295278 295119 295132 295279 135803 134609 295279 701 – 800 295089295102295107295120295133295138 301328106776295138 801 – 900 295090 295103 295108 295121 295134 295139 106779 106780 295139 901 – 1000 × × × × × × × 106781 × 1091 – 1150 295092 295105 295110 295123 295136 295141 106730 106731 295141 400 295285 295290 295280 500 295286 295291 295281 550 295287 295292 295282 600 295288 295293 295283 900 295289 295294 295284 104313 104296 161716 CUTLERY TRAYS, WASTE BINS, RITTER APPLIANCES Item in stock Item on demand OrgaTray cutlery trays white anthracite silver width (mm) depth (mm) 380–440 441–520 581–620 380–440 441–520 581–620 380–440 441–520 581–620 width (mm) white anthracite silver description code knife holder vertical spice rack horizontal spice rack OrgaTray 440 for ArciTech and InnoTech Atira drawers OrgaTray 480 for InnoTech Atira drawers Holders • EB (InnoTech + Atira) for sides thickness 18 mm = 10.5 mm • EB (ArciTech) for sides thickness 18 mm = 13 mm • KD (AvanTech) is the thickness of the material on the cabinet body sides • LB = inner cabinet body clearance • NB = outer cabinet body clearance ArciTech: – cutting width (B) = LB - 2 × EB - 47 mm – cutting depth = nominal length - 27 mm InnoTech Atira: – cutting width (B) = LB - 2× EB - 37 mm – cutting width (B) = LB - 2 × EB - 47 mm – cutting depth = nominal length - 8 mm AvanTech Atira YOU: – cutting width (B) = NB - 2× KD - 42 – cutting depth = nominal length - 27 mm Cutting dimensions 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13