Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 03.148 03 208912+208913 × 295216 210459 × × 210432 210449 × 210433 210450 × 210434 210451 × 208912+208913 210452 × 210436 210394 × × 210395 × 144 176 70 144 176 70 144 176 294830 294833 294834 106900 106902 106903 106904 106888 106889 294827 294828 294831 294832 294835 294836 260 360241 × 295189 × 360248 × 300 360242 × 360256 × 360249 × 350 360243 × 360257 × 360250 × 420 360244 × 360258 × 360251 × 470 360245 360264 360259 360268 360252 360266 520 360246 360265 360260 360269 360253 360267 620 360247 × 360261 × 360254 × 295276 70 467389 144 294812 2000 294940 70 2000 FURNITURE SLIDES InnoTech Atira – individual components Item in stock Item on demand Push to Open 30 kg Push to Open 50 kg back holders white silver anthracite length (mm) white silver anthracite upper centre upper centre upper centre code height (mm) code length (mm) code height (mm) length (mm) • cutting calculation: LB − 2× EB − 57.5 • cutting of the inner drawer front formula: LB − 2× EB − 62 • cutting of the inner division formula: LB − 2× EB − 34.5, Aluminium front sheet metal holders Railing Aluminium front profile Cross railing for the front of the inner drawer with a height of 144 or for inner division 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13