Katalog Demos 2024_GB

www.demos‑trade.com 03.147 470 295208 486150 486148 260 486152 486153 486151 300 486155 486156 486154 350 486158 486159 486157 420 486161 486162 486160 470 486164 486165 486163 520 486167 486168 486166 620 486170 486171 486169 457551+457552 × × 352819+352820 × 185713+185715 × 352798 352807+352808 × 185794+185795 489559+489560 352803 352810+352811 352870+352871 467404+467405 489557+489558 352804+352805 352813+352814 352873+352874 474942 105259 × 352816+352817 352876+352877 457551+457552 456734+456733 × 352819+352820 352879+352880 465203+465204 458701+458702 × 352822+352823 352882+352883 × 458033+458034 × × 352885+352886 70 144 260 294825 294826 294829 300 350 420 470 520 620 144 176 144 176 144 176 470 295001 295001 294973 294994 294987 295008 187272 520 295002 295002 294974 294995 294988 295009 144 176 144 176 144 176 144 176 144 176 144 176 144 176 470 294882 294903 294875 294896 294889 294910 294859 294868 294850 294853 294849 294852 294851 294854 520 294883 294904 294876 294897 294890 294911 294860 294869 InnoTech Atira – individual components FURNITURE SLIDES length (mm) white silver anthracite Silent System 30 kg Silent System 50 kg Push to Open Silent 10 kg Push to Open Silent 30 kg Push to Open Silent 50 kg length (mm) length (mm) adapter included front fastener white silver anthracite length (mm) metal glass adapter white silver anthracite white silver anthracite Ĺ drawings for preparation of the cabinet body p. 03.165 1] package includes cover caps with Hettich logo and front fasteners with split dowels 2] Silent System − Silent System (soft closing), Push to Open Silent − Push to Open Silent (handleless opening with soft closing), Push to Open − Push to Open (handleless opening) • Fill the EB value in names above individual tables in the formula for calculation of base and back width. Sides1] Slides2] DesignSide raised sides self-supporting TopSide raised sides in combination with railing Back holders