Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 03.136 03 77 396631 396632 101 396715 396716 139 396780 396781 187/251 396863 396864 1871] 396993 396994 251 396928 396929 270 397769 397770 397775 397776 × × 300 397771 397772 397777 397778 × × 350 397773 397774 397779 397780 × × 400 × × 397781 397782 × × 450 × × 397783 397784 397791 397792 500 × × 397785 397786 397793 397794 550 × × 397787 397788 397795 397796 600 × × 397789 397790 398924 398925 650 × × × × 397797 397798 270 397806 397807 397812 397813 300 397808 397809 397814 397815 350 397810 397811 397816 397817 400 × × 397818 397819 450 × × 397820 397821 500 × × 397822 397823 550 × × 397824 397825 600 × × 397826 397827 413894 413895 397829 397830 FURNITURE SLIDES AvanTech YOU – wholesale packaging Item in stock Item on demand for side height (mm) screw dowel • 1] for sides made of individual material 10 kg 40 kg 70 kg length (mm) left right left right left right 10 kg 30 kg length (mm) left right left right left right left right • may be used with Push to Open Silent fittings to create a handleless opening with damped closing • may be used with Push to Open Silent fittings to create a handleless opening with damped closing Front fasteners (1 pc) Actro YOU Silent System slides (1 pc) Quadro YOU Silent System slides (1 pc) Front fastener for the use of Quadro YOU slides for solid wood drawers Front fastener for the use of Actro YOU slides for solid wood drawers 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13