Katalog Demos 2024_GB

12345 12345 03.130 03 10 40 70 10 30 30 300 396717 397771+397772 397777+397778 × 397808+397809 397814+397815 397836+397837 350 396718 397773+397774 397779+397780 × 397810+397811 397816+397817 397838+397839 400 396719 × 397781+397782 × × 397818+397819 397840+397841 450 396720 × 397783+397784 397791+397792 × 397820+397821 397842+397843 500 396721 × 397785+397786 397793+397794 × 397822+397823 397844+397845 550 396722 × 397787+397788 397795+397796 × 397824+397825 397846+397847 600 396723 × 397789+397790 398924+398925 × 397826+397827 397848+397849 10 40 70 10 30 30 270 396782 × 397769+397770 397775+397776 × 397806+397807 397812+397813 397834+397835 300 396783 × 397771+397772 397777+397778 × 397808+397809 397814+397815 397836+397837 350 396784 396930 397773+397774 397779+397780 × 397810+397811 397816+397817 397838+397839 400 396785 396931 × 397781+397782 × × 397818+397819 397840+397841 450 396786 396932 × 397783+397784 397791+397792 × 397820+397821 397842+397843 500 396787 396933 × 397785+397786 397793+397794 × 397822+397823 397844+397845 550 396788 × × 397787+397788 397795+397796 × 397824+397825 397846+397847 600 396789 × × 397789+397790 398924+398925 × 397826+397827 397848+397849 650 396790 × × × 397797+397798 × × × 300 397379 397370 397346+397347 350 400 450 550 397379 397370 500 600 270 397380 397751 397387 397754 397371 397748 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 FURNITURE SLIDES AvanTech YOU – silver, individual components Item in stock Item on demand 1] the set includes: sides L + R, 2 pcs of cover profile, L + R front holders, assembly for screw fixing 2] a back made of individual material can be mounted directly into the side with a screw, back holders are not necessary 1] the set includes: sides L + R, 2 pcs of cover profile, L + R front holders, assembly for screw fixing 2] a back made of individual material can be mounted with a screw directly into the side, back holders are not necessary slides by type and load capacity (kg) Actro YOU Silent System¹] Quadro YOU Silent System²] Quadro YOU Push to Open length (mm) sides1] slides by type and load capacity (kg) sides1] Actro YOU Silent System¹] Quadro YOU Silent System²] Quadro YOU Push to Open length (mm) full for sides made of individual material length (mm) fittings for inner drawers front holders front profile back holders 2] length (mm) fittings for inner drawers front holders front profile Side height 139 mm Side height 187 mm length (mm) fittings for solver inner drawer front bracket for full side front bracket for Inlay side front aluminum profile full front Inlay front full front Inlay front full front Inlay front 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 11 12 09 07 17 16 15 14 13